Snapchat Tips to be an Influencer by Influencers
Shaun Ayala here, I’ve been getting a lot of questions from many of my friends on Snapchat asking, “How do I become an influencer on Snapchat?” I was excited to write about this particular topic because I’ve learned and discovered a lot of tips and strategies that have worked for me.
Instead of hearing it all from me though, I thought it would be fun for you to also hear from some of my peers who have made an impact on Snapchat to millions and millions combined. These are the influencers and upcoming stars who’ve paved the way for content creators like myself, to learn, study and implement what I love to do on a platform such as Snapchat.
I’ve asked 17 of my peers “What is ONE tip you would give someone who is trying to become a Snapchat influencer?”. Here are their responses. (Pay attention, you might see a trend. ;))
“Don’t go into snapchat with the sole purpose of being an influencer. You’ll be too focused on trying to become an influencer that you’ll lose focus on making good content. And if you don’t become one as fast as you thought you would, you’ll get easily frustrated and give up. Influence will come when you’ve proven yourself worthy of people’s attention. Just be yourself, enjoy what you are doing and good content will come and people will follow!”
“Have fun with it… your audience will easily see if you are constantly trying to get followers and looking for fame or if you are genuinely enjoying creating your content.”
“One tip I would give someone trying to become a snapchat influencer would be: Push the limits of creativity. Being creative on a platform is a trait that will set your content apart from what is typically viewed on a daily basis. Making your content unique and different will allow it to stand out and raise interest.”
“Be consistent. I don’t care how good your content is, if you’re not consistent, nobody will care.”
“Find something that is completely you, and bring that consistently into your content.”
“Be concise and straight to the point. Never ask for a shout out.”
The majority of your story feed is comprised of selfies, snaps of food, concert snaps, and other mundane pics, so it’s no surprise that a story that operates as a narrative might stand out.
The one thing that snapchat influencers who have cultivated a following have in common, is that they are stringing together snaps to tell a story- a story with a beginning, middle, and end. There’s a story behind everything you do, your followers are just waiting to hear it.
Begin by setting up what your doing in your story: where are you going? with who? why? what’s the objective? Now dive into the narrative. Don’t just tell us what you’re doing, show us!
It’s no secret that snapchat has it’s limitations, but to become an influencer you have to think creatively outside of these boundaries. For example, incorporate layers, you don’t have to be an artist to try your hand at snap art. Play music to add a soundtrack to your life. Fast forward, slo-motion, throw some filters on that nude.. I mean snap! **darn autocorrect**
Accomplish your goal, or fail trying (which is always funny), and then wrap your story up with a summary or a visual punch.
Tell a story that is authentic to you and organic to the app. There’s a story waiting to be told behind even the most monotonous of tasks, make snapchat your tool for telling it.”
“I don’t want to say something silly like “Hustle all the time” because that goes without saying. For some Lucky people being and influencer happens because you were the right person at the right time creating quality content. However if you don’t find yourself in that situation and want to be an influencer you Need to set a goals for yourself. 1k views by this date for example. Ok, how are you going to get there? I’m gonna post art, you might say. I would say that’s not gonna work. You need to define your niche first then expand, For me, I used on the corgi community on the Internet to build a following a few thousand strong and used my business acumen and hustle to parlays following into conversations with brands. “
“Be original and collaborate with other Snapchatters.”
Add relevant content to your snaps/videos.
Buy some time from your busy schedule to work on your content.
Create something which is realistic.
Drive your viewers to do something of their own.
Engage with your viewers.
Then I had to sell myself and my abilities. It’s not easy but it’s possible and I’m proof. If you have a strategy.”
“ONE tip I’d give to some who’s willing to work hard to become a Snapchat influence is BE YOURSELF. Find your niche and exploit it! Give your audience what other influencers can’t and give them a reason to follow you. If you’re the only source for finding the content they love they’ll always come back to you!”
“Find something you’re really passionate about sharing, because it’s the foundation of your content. Always make sure to create engaging content, trust me it’s an important key to success. And while you’re sharpening your storytelling skills, reach out to people who inspired you — don’t be bashful. Always have an idea ready to be implemented before asking for collaboration.”
“Don’t let the highs get too high or the lows get too low. We are all just regular people making things on the internet.”
“Being an influencer is not something you get to decide. You are only an influencer when people trust you enough to emulate you. You are not the one that decides whether or not people listen to you. As with all of social media, Snapchat should be approached with purpose and strategy. Don’t just use it because you can, use it because you have a reason. Be useful and be yourself. Don’t try to influence people, try to give people a reason to come back to your Story every day. The greatest reward I’ve ever received was a message telling me that one of my Stories made someone’s day a little brighter. What kind of influence is more important than that?”
“Interact and reply to your fans as much as possible. If they really look up to you and you get that 1 on 1 connection going, that’ll be the best feeling in the world for them.”
“I would give the advise to convey your passion to your followers. When you do what you really love, people will see that no matter what it is. And you will automatically attract people who understand you. A plus, is that you will not only be honest and true to your followers, but also to yourself and it will be easy to continue doing what you started since your not trying to do something that isn’t “you”.
“Think about what value you can provide to your viewers. Your audience invests their scarce time into viewing your work, will they feel it was worth that investment after they’ve viewed it? So focus on something that you’re good at, your strength, and use that in your stories to make the lives of your viewers just a tiny bit better off than it was before. For example, at drinkageddon we are really good at making drinks. So our aim is to teach our viewers how to make awesome cocktails, while also entertaining them.”
Final Thoughts
Don’t create an account on Snapchat with the sole purpose of becoming an influencer. Your goal should be to just be yourself, Brand or individual, use the tools in the platform to create content you love. Snapchat isn’t for everyone, don’t focus on views and numbers, focus on creating something that makes you happy, people will relate with you, its a given! Just create and share it with the world.
Now go be that star you know you are!
Snapchat with you soon!

This article was written by a guest Snapchat writer.