10 Beginner Tips for Snapchat Artists

Are you an artist or doodler on snapchat? Would you like to increase your views or shares? Would you like to know a few tips Top Snapchat artist are doing to stand out? Here are a few tips that will help you position your content to get more views and maybe even shared providing more visibility of who you are and the art you create.
- Add your Snapchat username to all your drawn snap (ghost emoji: username). I’ve notice some really great artists sign a nickname to their art, but when I check their username, it isn’t the same. If your art gets screenshot, go viral or shared, how will they know who it came from and who to add? Placing Your snapchat username on your art is important.
- Do not place any kind of text at the complete top or bottom of your snaps, there is a text safe area to keep in mind. Older mobile devices crop the absolute top and bottom when viewed. I’ve see artist who’ve added their username to their snap and it was at the complete bottom. Again, If your art gets screenshot, go viral or shared, and any important information is there like a username, a percentage of people will not be able to see it because not everyone has the same mobile device. Read more here.
- Make sure your “As you appear as name” matches your username. While there is the snapcode feature, I’ve actually seen people add me by username when I have a story that they are liking. I can tell that they are mentioning my name which is how they are adding me. This a low hanging fruit opportunity, so take it! Read how to change it here.
- Looking to improve your art to stand out from other artists? Maybe you want to better your accuracy or add details in smaller or hard to reach areas? Enable your phones Zoom feature. This is a game changer when creating detailed art. Mplacto shared this feature not to long ago, we wrote about it here.
- Draw on more than just a black background, I love when I get a snap and its a full screen drawing of a cartoon character, but try to add a little variety and draw your characters with a picture of you in them. Mplacto, GeeoSnaps, Shonduras are great at doing this if you need a little inspiration.
- Practice with details using thin lines. it is possible! Learning how to use and add thin lines adds a whole new dimension to drawing and your stye of art on snapchat. Use the basic colors to practice this. CyreneQ have a great video showing this. Click here.
- Create stories! Make it more than just a one snap drawing. Creating a multi snap story of your art brings your story to life and adds depth to you as an artist. Brands are looking for artists that can create stories around a product or service that will keep an audience engaged and interested to take action. Your art will enhance these kinds of stories, so show the world how you will bring it to life. Shonduras, Mplacto, CyreneQ and EMgarber are great at this.
- Post teaser snaps to other social sites encouraging people to go add you on snapcchat to see your snap story. Also Tag and Hashtag the appropriate brand or person to gain visibility. For example, if you created a story around Coca-Cola, tag them on twitter and instagram and also hashtag your post with related treading hashtags.
- Follow other artists and influencers who create content that features their audience. Always make time to participate in the community. TheSnapQuest, CyreneQ, Wysamx and others create content that features their audience, this gives you an opportunity to be seen. All we need is that opportunity.
- Archive your snaps on instagram, youtube, etc to become discoverable. if you can, create a website that is your realname.com or preferably your snapchat username.com and have it snapchat related, it can benefit in search as people may want to look you up on the web.
Final Thought
This are just a few thoughts to get you started. There is a huge opportunity for talented creative artists on Snapchat who are content creators/storytellers. Get creative, create content you love and share it. People will find you and love it. Eventually you will build your own loyal tribe of followers.
This are just a few thoughts to get you started. There is a huge opportunity for talented creative artists on Snapchat who are content creators/storytellers. Get creative, create content you love and share it. People will find you and love it. Eventually you will build your own loyal tribe of followers.
Now go get discovered!
If you’re not connected with me on Snapchat yet, send me a request. My username is ShaunAyala or click the link using your mobile device: http://www.Snapchat.com/add/shaunayala
Visit my featured page here on The 11th Second
You can also find me at www.ShaunAyala.com
Snapchat with you soon!
Snapchat with you soon!

This article was written by a guest Snapchat writer.