5 Snapchat Account Takeover Tips

Are you looking for guidance or tips when taking over a Brand or an Individual’s Snapchat account? In today’s post, I’ve asked a few Snapchat pros to share some of their best practices when taking over a snapchat account. Here are 5 Takeover Tips to get you started:
1. Keep your authenticity
2. Know the account
2. Know the account
3. Prepare in advance
4. Promote yourself
5. Make your best content
Let’s break each of them down a little more.
- Keep your authenticity
This can be interpreted in two ways: Choose to work with accounts that best represent your work. Try to be picky about who you work with, even if you think the views are worth it, its a good idea to work with people that best match your work. And second, don’t force your self to be someone or something you’re not. CyreneQ says “If the brand doesn’t fit you, then it doesn’t make sense for you to put your face and take on their brand image.” Opportunities will come and go, find the accounts that correlates with the content you love to create. - Know the account
TristanTales suggests – “Know whose account you’re taking over. Know their audience and their voice so that you can tailor a story that appeals to their demographic.” So do your homework and take the time to view a few snap stories from the account you will be taking over because engagement and interactions vary by accounts. Their audience will expect a similar type of content that they are use to receiving from that channel. Know what could work and do you! - Prepare in advance
Storyboarding is an excellent way to prepare in advance. Storyboarding is the good old fashion way of drawing in boxes so you know what comes next. You can use a template like the one found here or by typing out each idea for each snap frame on a word document for review by the account you are taking over. Don’t get me wrong, spontaneity works, however CyreneQ made a good point when she said “Most brands don’t like surprises. You are representing them when you takeover their account. One wrong misrepresentation and…well…it just won’t end well for you and the brand.” Be proactive and get your idea approved. - Promote yourself
As a guest on someone else’s account, “Credit yourself” CyreneQ said. Taylor.Nikolai suggests “Book end your takeovers”, meaning, place your Snapchat username with the ghost emoji on the first snap and then end your story with showing your Snapcode (if allowed). Taylor.Nikolai also found that showing your Snapcode at the end for 7 seconds of a takeover will allow enough time for the audience to take a screenshot of it compared to other seconds. - Make your best content
Taking over other accounts isn’t about the views or the amount of new followers you can potentially gain, yes it is an opportunity but it should not be the primary focus. Taking over a Snapchat account is an opportinuty to share who you are and your style of creativity to a whole new audience. TristanTales told me, “Don’t be disappointed if the account you’re taking over has a smaller following than you, always make your best content because you never know who could be watching.” One right view is all it takes, but it’s about what you create and the impact it has on others.
Final Thoughts,
Snapchat takeovers are exciting and allows you an opportunity to share your creative style and be seen by a whole different audience. Be respectful and open minded when creating content for an audience that may be completely different than yours. Create content that attracts the brands or individuals you want to work with and trust me when I say, if the like what you are creating, you will be approached.
Follow the Pros mentioned: CyreneQ, TristanTales, Taylor.Nikolai
Make your best story yet!
If you’re not connected with me on Snapchat yet, send me a request. My username is ShaunAyala or click the link using your mobile device: http://www.Snapchat.com/add/shaunayala
Visit my featured page here on The 11th Second
You can also find me at www.ShaunAyala.com
Snapchat with you soon!
Snapchat with you soon!

This article was written by a guest Snapchat writer.