This Week: #SnapNews No. 17 features; Updates for the Snapchat App
Welcome to another episode of This Week: #SnapNews, We have News featuring the Snapchat App Updates! So if you missed last week news let’s jump right in.
1. Snapchat Stories Everywhere 00:33
2. Snapchat Update 10.24 01:35
1. Snapchat Stories Everywhere 00:33
Its Finally Here! Stories Everywhere … I originally reported about this back in Episode #13, but now, heres the update, if you have the new redesign app version of Snapchst, you can now share Public Stories via a link outside the snapchat app! The Public Stories that can be shared are currently limited to the Official Stories and Our Stories found in the Discover tab, you can also share Search Stories as well. TechCrunch reported that when shared with the link, Our Stories and Search Stories will last only 30 days while Official Stories will only remain live for 24 hours. This is a huge move for Snapchat allowing their unique content to be shared online, Marketers and Brands can definitely benefit here as well, once this featured is rolled out to all created content, your story can possibly go viral.
2. Snapchat Update 10.24 01:35
We got a Snapchat Update this past week, 3 in total!!! …So first, In the Chat side off the app, you can now Tap on a message to Save a chat or…. press and hold a message for more options. Second, Snapchat has finally removed the white boarders from uploaded images and video, this is INCREDIBLE NEWS because now you don’t have that embracing look for those images. and last … you can now see friends on the map inside groups if they have there location on!
And thats it for this week’s episode of This Week: #SnapNews.
If you woud like to watch past Episodes, please go to Im also on , iTunes and Google Play if your looking for just the audio version.
More news to come next week!
If you’re not connected with me on Snapchat yet, send me a request. My username is ShaunAyala,?—? Snapchat you soon!
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This article was written by a guest Snapchat writer.